Officer Training
Officer Training has been arranged for all new Officers on the 1st November 2015. It is a beneficial day and will assist you with the full understanding of what your role entails and how to do a fantastic job and get as much out of your post as possible. Can all Officers please complete and return the below form to the County Office no later than the 9th October 2015 so that arrangements can be made for the day.
Last year was a great success and everyone who attended really gained from it.
Remember Keep Calm and just be the best you can be!

Training Courses are currently being planned for the year. As soon as we have more information it will be added to the website.
We are looking at also arranging a Safe Guarding and First Aid Training Course for new Officers.
If training is specific to certain members they will be contacted directly to make arrangements and find out what the members needs are for training.