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Puddletown YFC

Club details

Puddletown Young Farmers is fun and active group of young people aged from 10 to 28 years old. We currently have 60+ members and always welcome new people who are interested in joining. We meet every Monday evening and are based around the Puddletown area near Dorchester. We have a packed Club programme which includes various meetings such as farm walks, sports, tours of local businesses and fun activities as a group of friends! We always endeavour to provide a programme that is tailored to the needs and interests of our members. We also attend many Young Farmers competitions, some examples include team sports, public speaking, cookery and fencing. We run fundraising events throughout the year including a ploughing match, fish and chip quiz and the foam party, to name just a few; the proceeds from these contribute towards our charitable donation that we give at the end of the year. Our members really are from all walks of life – farmers, vets, teachers, accountants, students – you don’t have to be a farmer to be a young farmer!

Get in touch

For more information please contact:

Click here to email: Puddletown YFC Club Secretary

9 + 7 =

Rally Winners 2020/21

Bale Art Display 2020/21

Fencing Competition Winners 2020/21

They will be representing Dorset YFC at the National Finials in October 2021

Netball Team 2nd Place

Some of the members will be representing Dorset YFC at the South West Area Round in August

Cookery Team

Represented Dorset YFC at the last Nationals Cookery Final

Club Meeting

Eggs, flour and water club evening – fun night!

Club Fundraiser

Fundraising in lockdown is never easy but they managed to raise funds for Crohns & Colitis UK by selling kindling

Club Meeting

Bike ride on a lovely evening