The Crew
The Dorset Young Farmer Team is made up of the following people. There is a County Organiser who is in the County Office Monday to Thursday from 9.00am – 2.00pm. Each year we have an Annual General Meeting in which a new Office is elected. These roles consist of a County Chairman, County Vice-Chairman, County Junior Vice-Chairman, County President, County Vice President and a County Treasurer. Most of the above work on a volunteer basis and everyone works hard to publicise what the YFC is all about.

Katie Curtis
County Chair
I joined young famers after going to Blandford yfc new members evening with a friend who already attended and have been a member ever since. I’ve been a member for 8 years and have loved every minute of it from club meetings, county events and the parties their has been something different happening each week. I was Blandfords secretary for 2 years and helped organise the annual clay shoot, ploughing match and most recently our Christmas tree collection, all these events get bigger and better each year and raise money for the club and chosen charities close to the members. I’m really looking forward to joining the county team as junior vice chair to show people that you don’t need to be a farmer to be a young farmer, I’m not from a farming background but have gained knowledge and skills from yfc which have helped me with my career as a livestock administrator. I’m looking forward to bringing new ideas to the table and showcasing what Dorset has to offer.

Bethany Mitchell
County Vice Chair
I grew up on a dairy farm and was encouraged to join young farmers by my family as they had all been members of young farmers clubs previously. I joined Sherborne YFC when I was 11 years old and started off by attending their fortnightly meetings, however, I soon got involved in my first entertainments competition! 13 years later and I still enjoy all elements of Young Farmers. I have held many positions within the club, such as treasurer, secretary, programme secretary, media officer, and skittles captain, but Junior Vice Chairperson is my first county role. I love taking part in the variety of competitions that YFC has to offer, and have represented club and county at County, South West and National levels, which I am very proud of. I have also seen a lot of changes in the club since being a member, for example, increasing from fortnightly to weekly meetings, ceasing to be a ‘juniors only’ club, and becoming the largest club in the county in the past year. Outside of Young Farmers, I work for a large food wholesaler based in Sherborne as a Quality Assurance and Sustainability Supervisor. I have been part of the QA team for a while now, ensuring all departments are meeting the set standards in our policies and procedures. But I have recently taken on the sustainability remit, working with new initiatives for the business, such as renewable energies, biofuels, and biodiversity projects – linking back to my passion for the countryside.

Joanna House
County Junior Vice Chair & Treasurer
I’ve been a member of Marshwood Vale YFC for the past 9 years since I was 12. I’ve thrown myself into everything the club and county has on offer with a big focus on competitions and fundraising, which has definitely helped me to develop and gain confidence. I’ve held numerous roles within the club from secretary, skittles captain, rally rep, junior rep, harvest super committee and now club treasurer. I’ve made lots of friends through the young farmers movement including members from all over the South West from the numerous junior SWA and SWA weekends and as far north as Yorkshire from competing at the national cookery and speaking finals! Outside of young farmers I’m training to be a rural accountant with Old Mill in Yeovil, so becoming county treasurer should be rather fitting! I look forward to helping the county team to have another successful year with Dorset YFC.

Tracy Hounsome
County Organiser
I have worked for the Dorset Young Farmers since July 2013. I have never been a Young Farmer and am now unfortunately too old. I work in the County Office and I assist the 8 Clubs that we have in Dorset. I enjoy attending as many events as I possibly can from the County Rally and Show, County Competitions and further afield to South West Area Weekends. My favourite has to be the Dorset YFC Entertainments competition. Please feel free to contact me on any queries you may have I am happy to help, Dorset YFC is like an extended family with some great members.

Ian Sargent
County President
I am Ian Sargent having held the post of Vice president it is an honour to become County President, I farm at Glanvilles Wootton Near Sherborne. It seems a long time ago at the age of 15 joining Sherborne YFC. Within the club we enjoyed competitions laid on by the county including the Mock Auction, we never won but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Latterly becoming one of the club leaders. I love to see how the young farmers change when they are shy and quiet to then getting involved. If I can replace what I have taken from young farmers that would take a age but its important that we all do what we can I look forward to helping in the future. I look forward to what the year holds ahead and being closer involved with the running of the county.

Sonia Cade
County Deputy President
Hi All, I joined Blandford Young Farmers’ when I was 17, and an agricultural student on a dairy farm, before attending Kingston Maurward Agricultural College to study for an NCA. Young Farmers gave me the opportunity to meet like-minded people, some of who have become lifelong friends. I soon became involved with Blandford Young Farmers’ taking on various positions within the club. Programme Secretary, Secretary, and Chairman, and was a County Executive Rep, through this I then became one of the South West Area Reps. On reaching 26 I still had an association with Dorset Young Farmers, eventually taking the position of Secretary of the 200 Club for 6 years. When my children became involved, I joined the Blandford Advisory Committee, and I am now President, and a Trustee.
The skill sets and knowledge I learned through Young Farmers’ have played a part throughout my life. I would like to think that the time has now come for me to help and support the next generation of Dorset Young Farmers, by being part of the County team.