Chairman’s Message

Hi everyone,

I hope you have all enjoyed a very sunny June!

It is great to see lots of clubs continuing with their fundraisers this month, with the nicer weather bringing the return of club parties. This month has also meant a continuation in the County competitions calendar, with the bowling competition at the end of the month. Well done to everyone who has taken part.

On the weekend of the 24th and 25th June we held one of the bigger events in our diary for the year – the South West Area Competitions Weekend, organised by Dorset YFC. It was a pleasure to see so many of our members, advisory and parents on the day, who were helping, competing and supporting the County. Our competitors did themselves proud and it is pleasing to see some of our members gaining qualification to the National Finals, representing the South West. The biggest (and my personal) thanks have to go to our brilliant County Organiser, Tracy Hounsome, who worked tirelessly in the build up and over the weekend to make sure it ran smoothly. Thank you to all our helpers, stewards and judges who assisted over the weekend – it really is appreciated.

See you all at the next competitions in July… and the countdown starts to Junior Weekend…!

 ​Charlotte Seare

County Chairman


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